Surgical Wraps & Bands

Surgical bands and wraps give your body the compressive support it needs to combat swelling and heal properly after a procedure. At ES Medical, we offer a line of surgical wraps and bands meant specifically for aiding you in your recovery. From stabilizing breast augmentations to providing compression for healing after liposuction, surgical bands are an essential part of your post-operative care.

In our selection of surgical wraps and bands, we offer several types of breast wrap to either provide breast compression or encourage proper breast implant support and positioning. One size fits all eliminates guesswork in finding the appropriate compression garment for your post-op recovery. Available in white and comfortable for wearing under your normal clothing.

ES Medical is your source for surgical brands, wraps, and other compression garments for post-operative recovery. If you need help finding the appropriate wrap or garment to match your procedure, give us a call and we'd be happy to assist you. We also offer international shipping and bulk discounts.
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